Engineering leadership growth lab
In-house growth coaching labs focused on developing leadership skills with your engineers

Service Description
This service addresses the common challenge of rapidly promoting software engineers into leadership roles without giving them formal education or experience in developing their engineering leadership skills. It frustrates the engineers, who rapidly become overwhelmed trying to coordinate all activities. And It often results in underperformance and frustration from the team when micro-management occurs. This programme helps engineers, new to leadership, ease into their roles and find their leadership identity. It blends some learning guardrails with a focus on allowing the participants to unfold their leadership experiences. Leadership is not learnt from theory but developed from practice, and it is accelerated with reflective growth labs. Given the vastness of the topics, the programmes are initially set for six months but can expand to yearly or multi-year programmes. We can accommodate tailored programmes if you have more specific needs and require custom-designing the programme. Format of the Service: - Upon signing up for the service, we discuss with you the opportunities for leadership growth, - We set the expectation of the programme and confirm the arc of the programme with you, or set the need for a tailored programme, - We run an introduction session setting up the collaborative alliance and framing the topics, - We then run six sessions using our techniques of coaching lab facilitation, - The last session will also include a wrap, We would discuss your interest in running longer programmes over 12 months and more. If you do not have the scale to operate sufficiently diverse in-house coaching groups, please enquire as we can look to combine non-competitive businesses with shared groups and/or bulk onboard you on a public run of such groups. Please book an initial call to discuss how to on-board this service.
Cancellation Policy
This booking is to establish your interest in engaging the support of Henko. During this initial meeting, we will discuss your needs and the suitability of an engagement. We will then produce a quote to proceed. We will also schedule the engagement based on availability. This is especially important for engagements that need to happen on a specific date (e.g., presentations, off-sites). It is best to talk early to avoid disappointment.
Contact details