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EVERYBODY needs Change!!
Large & Mid-size Organisations
With digital and globalisation, never has the business landscape been so challenging. Large businesses need to reinvent themselves to stay relevant continually.
Startups &
The biggest advantage of any startup is its agility to adapt. But only if the operating model is designed that way! Build the right foundations to grow your business from the start!
Leaders, Coaches and Practitioners
With the speed of Change and longer work lives, leaders, coaches, and practitioners must continually cultivate new skills or risk obsolescence much earlier than retirement age!
How do people change?
How do organisations change?
For effective Change, organisations need to continually and harmoniously balance meaningful application (through practice), motivation (from social experience) and talent development (with training).
Henko's System for Continuous Change is an integrated platform offering the variety of Change services that can be combined into synchronised increments. We help you design the alchemy of increments that will continually stimulate your business's performance, and we organise the supporting services.
ChangeHub: Design coherent and incremental change initiatives
Meaningful: Facilitated practice of flow, strategy, excellence,
and systemic coaching of leaders & teams
Spirited: Social circles to reflect and share experiences and expertise
Talented: New training in cohort style to match the pace of learning and adoption
"If Change is difficult, make it continuous and accessible to all"
Working with the four dimensions of alignment in organisations
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