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The Collaborative Intelligence Coach...

About Henko

In Japanese, the word henkō is composed of the Kanji 変 Hen, which means “change” and 光 Kō, which means “variable or with an unusual light”. In fact, more than a word, henkō is a concept that refers to changes in perception, in our way of seeing things. 
We help our clients see their landscape in a different light, thereby achieving performance and unleashing new possibilities in their business. 
Henko's System for Continuous Change Complete View

Henko invents the
System for Continuous Change

Henko's System for Continuous Change is an integrated approach to revolutionise Change and performance in modern organisations and leadership. Henko drives leadership of successful Change by making it continually  Meaningful,   Spirited   and   Talented !
Thank you for all the help and support! I've learned lots and what's most important, I've learned that I need to learn much more
I really valued your perspective in all our discussions and offering a view which helped us to learn and become better
Thank you for all your help and guidance and for constantly challenging all of us to improve and think about things differently. You've brought a lot of valuable insights and ways of working into the team
A big thanks for all the support and guidance you have given me over the last year. It's been a steep learning curve but having the opportunity to work through it with you has made a massive difference
You were one of the few people who kept the leadership council honest. Your open questions made me think differently
You helped us wrestle with our first steps into Wardley mapping. We came out of the session with a far better picture of the options and paths that were available to us
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