In-house Talent Development Cohorts
Henko offers unique cohort-based training programmes that focus on effective adoption. These programmes use a mix of practical learning and practice-based mentoring for effectiveness.
Service type:
Continuous Strategy, Flow Alignment, LeanTech Excellence, Leadership & Team Coaching
Large and Mid-Size Organisations, Leadership Development
System for Continuous Change:
Training Talents
The challenge:
Driving change requires adjusting people's perspectives on reality. Past experiences and the organisation's established conventions and norms forge how people see the situation. We have to give them new elements to see reality differently. That's where change starts.
In the industry, many change efforts have focused on adjusting operating methods, but they have generally missed helping people recognise situations differently. Consequently, change is often perceived as methods taken out of context rather than contributing to stronger performance. Change appears as a constraint to which people reluctantly comply, challenging adoption and rarely ensuring sustainability. It is not unusual to blame people and middle management for ‘resistance to change.’ Â
It is not so much about active resistance as it is about people's inability to perceive new perspectives as coherent, either because they are outside their context or because they lack the understanding to recalibrate their view from a new vantage point.
One of the most important aspects of driving a successful change is ensuring its coherence at every point and enabling people to see it in practice. Consequently, traditional training approaches are too wholesale and out-of-context to be effective.
Henko's differentiated approach:
Henko's very name (derived from Japanese inspiration) reflects its desire 'to see things in a different, unusual light'. We help people make sense of things differently so they can act differently. This makes for much more healthy and sustainable change, developing leadership at all levels.
We designed our training approaches to be consistent with this ethos. We offer practice-based training (following 'back-of-the-room' concepts) in a cohort-based format that paces the training at a pace people can apply. We wrap the training with mentoring circles focused on practice.
We also offer bite-sized mini-trainings, which take little time and enable the continuous building of new perspectives.
Our training cohorts and mini-trainings cover the main focus areas of the System for Continuous Change:
Applied Flow Fundamentals: Pivoting to value streams, team topologies, flow systems, and adaptive organisations,
Business Strategy using Wardley Maps: Learning how to capture the strategic landscape using Wardley Maps and how to make decisions from the maps,
Strategy Deployment using OKRs and xMatrix: A collaborative approach to meaningfully dive into the strategy, establish strategic objectives and how to measure them and organise a coherent deployment using the xMatrix,
Leadership of LeanTech excellence: Training derived from the LeanTech manifesto and bringing Lean effectiveness in the world of tech and digital,
Systemic Leadership of Collaborative Systems: A mix of training and coaching to recognise and apply systemic thinking in Leadership, in support of collaborative work systems,
A Coaching approach to Change with Agendashift: Taking new stances and skills when approaching change to support better ownership and leadership of the people involved with it.
The above cohorts can be commissioned off-the-shelf, or we can design tailored training for your specific circumstances.
Expected outcomes:Â
The training offers a new foundation of leadership that will support the sustainability of Change:
Better Change adoption,
Sustainability of new practices because they are understood and effectively acquired,
Modern leadership development with an understanding of Flow, Digital acceleration, their role in organising the system and the collaboration of teams and across teams,
Reputation for a healthy work environment retaining and attracting talents, also making for a better cost profile of the workforce,
Better shared perspectives that bring stronger collaboration in support of creative problem-solving and innovation.
Your next steps:Â
Please get in touch to discuss your needs for in-house training programmes. Alternatively, if you do not have the critical size for commissioned programmes, please enquire for the schedule of our public training (or see it in the Change Maker section of the site) to buy bulk seats on those.